The harsh Arctic climate has been shown to have a beneficial effect on wild berries, contributing to a higher concentration of antioxidants
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Gentle, but effective
Formulated with natural vitamin C from berries to absorb and utilize the ascorbic acid more effectively without causing damage to the kidneys.

Taste the essence of pure nature
Above the Arctic Circle, where the sun does not set during the summer, wild berries grow slower in the pure, cold climate. This climate contributes to sweeter, healthier and fresher berries with a higher concentration of antioxidants.
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Organic wild berry powder
Berry powders are full of natural antioxidants, vitamins & minerals. Add 1-2 tsp. of berry powder to your smoothie, porridge, yoghurt and baking to boost nutrition, flavour and colour. This is a superfood, 1 tsp=one handful of fresh berries.